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Hema has migrated to a new digital platform (learn more) that has allowed for the release of a number of new products (4x4 Explorer App & HX-2) that have provided for significant improvements in data quality, load speed, file size and capability for our online and app based digital products. This digital platform also has a new cloud account that allows for these products to be synced to the Hema Cloud and allow users to to sync their tracks, waypoints and photos between their devices.

For users who are migrating from our older products (HX-1 and Hema Explorer App) there are two ways that data that is stored in Hema’s ‘old explorer cloud’ can be migrated to the ‘new HemaX cloud’:

  1. If a user only has a small number of tracks to migrate (up to 3MB) the easiest way is to download each individual track (in GPX) from the old explorer cloud and then to sign into your new HemaX cloud account and upload that track directly into the new cloud (via Tracks/My Tracks/Import my track). For more information refer to this link.
  2. If a user has a more extensive set of tracks in the old cloud, there is a transfer tool setup in the new cloud to automatically transfer these tracks across to the new cloud. This can be accessed under the profile dropdown menu and selecting “Migrate from Old Cloud”. Note this will require you to login with your old cloud account details. For a small number of users with very large numbers of detailed tracks, some assistance may be required from our Technical Support team. A ticket can be raised for this at this link.

For users of the old explorer cloud, Hema has recently been advised by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that their server environment is being upgraded in January 2023 which may impact on our ability to continue maintaining the old explorer cloud (given that the old cloud was built nearly 10 years ago). We are working with AWS to further understand the implications of this upgrade but disruptions to the old cloud are likely during this period. Irrespective of the outcome of this server upgrade, we will be looking to decommission the old explorer cloud in 2023/24 and therefore would encourage users to look to migrate to the new HemaX cloud as soon as practical.

Of course, whether using the new cloud or the old cloud we would strongly recommend that users backup their data (tracks and images) on a local drive and not solely rely on storage in the cloud environment.


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