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Getting Places with the HX-2

The HX-2 has changed how people travel. We spoke to alpha user Lyndon Kettle about travelling with kids, using the HX-2 and the effects of COVID-19 on his travels.

Lyndon and his family are avid travellers, and keen users of the HX-2. “We are able to plan before any of our trips as well as share that planning with other people we are travelling with. Our Hema is definitely used every day,” Lyndon says.

The new HX-2 has Vector mapping capabilities and can be used across multiple platforms. That is, trip planning can be done on an iPad and then transferred to the cloud for use in other devices. This new capability is certainly handy for all travellers, but especially those who spend most of their time on the road.

The Kettle family has three children: Maddie (21, who no longer travels with the family), Chilli (17) and Makkai (12). The Tasmanian-based family mainly travel around Tassie on weekends and week-long trips but spent nine weeks touring mainland Australia in 2019, including travelling to the Simpson Desert, Cape York and Fraser Island.

Part of travelling is what Lyndon refers to as “on the job training”. The family haven’t had the need to homeschool on the road as yet, but travel itself often fills that educational space.

Like many travellers, the Kettle family was affected by COVID-19 and border closures. While the Tasmanian trips have continued uninterrupted, the family has been unable to visit mainland Australia.

When travelling for weeks on end, packing lightly and wisely is important. Lyndon advises careful consideration of every item you pack. After all, if travelling for some time, you’re going to need to lug around everything you pack, and likely the things you accumulate as you travel.

“Keep it basic and light. You don’t need everything that you think you will. Spend some time planning how you will pack and put it into practice before you leave. That will help you determine items you won’t need and others that you will. Have a place for everything and make sure it goes back there.”


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