Latest Hema Maps Technical Release Note - Major New Map Update

Latest Technical Release Note - 28th May 2021
App Name: CamperX - Your Camping Guide
App Version Number: 1.2.1
App Name: 4x4 Explorer
App Version Number: 1.5.0
The following updates are currently going through the verification process with Google and Apple and are expected to be released over the weekend (of 29th - 30th May 2021).
- Accept release update.
- To access the latest offline maps, users will be required to delete existing downloaded maps and replace them with the latest updated versions.
Major Update to Hema Touring and Premium Maps
Over the last few months, our Hema mapping team has been working on a number of enhancements to the Hema Touring and Premium Maps found in our 4x4 Explorer and CamperX apps.
The enhancements apply to both styling and the underlying data set as follows:
Cartographic Map Styling -
- Road Network: Changes include more prominent display of highways, main roads and secondary roads. Also includes improved road labelling at various zoom levels.
Localities: We implemented major improvements on the locality layer. A number of localities were pushed up a couple of zoom layers which helps provide better orientation.
Topographic features (available in the Premium Map only): A number of improvements were made on the topographic features such as the hill shade and contour lines which are now more pronounced with improved labelling. Layers such as water points, benchmark, control points, spot elevation and contour lines are showing earlier. Height labels are shown for vertical objects (tower, silos, mast etc) and new layers for helipads and huts have been added.
(Image: Left (before) - Right (after) comparison.)
- OSM On Road Map: The OSM On Road Map has returned to OSM styling to better distinguish between the Hema maps (Touring and Premium) and the OSM map included within the 4x4 Explorer App. The OSM On Road Map does not use any Hema maps data — the underlying data is entirely contributed by OpenStreetMap (OSM).
Map Data -
- Remote Fieldwork: Updated for our latest fieldwork from around Australia but in particular in parts of North West Western Australia and Northern Tasmania.
- Road Network: Complete refresh of the road network in Northern Territory.
- Park Data: All national parks and Indigenous areas have been updated
- New Layers: New layers have been added including for helipads, fence lines and huts.
Ability to Create Private POI’s
We appreciate all the users who have been contributing to improving the listed POI’s in the apps by providing feedback, adding reviews and photos and also suggesting new POI’s.
Based on user feedback we have also added the ability to add private POI’s so you can keep your secret fishing spot or camp site all to yourself!.
The existing process for setting waypoints has been extended to allow the inclusion of comments and photos to establish your own User Points of Interest within the App that can also be synced back to the Hema Cloud or created directly in the Hema Cloud itself.
Other Minor Updates
Through this update we have also taken the opportunity to clean up a lot of backend functions to improve the usability and stability of the applications. This includes the following:
- IOS Icon visual changes for language issues support
- My Location Page DMS and W3W
- Removal of FontAwesome usage & layout issues with titles/screens
- Trip Selection-Add destination enhancement
- Coordinate picker upgrade
- Saving/remember last map style/location/restart of app
- Events Tracks
- Various bug fixes
Hema Maps are constantly looking to improve its apps, so please continue to give us feedback at techsupport@emprisegroup.com.au.