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Top First Aid Kits for Travellers

One of the best ways to keep the weight down in our trailers and tow vehicles is to only pack essential items. Some people work on the principle that everything must have at least two uses, others will only pack items that they used on their last trip. But no matter what your packing philosophy, one item that’s absolutely non-negotiable for all caravanners is a first-aid kit. And not just any first kit. You need a first aid kit large and well-equipped enough for the types of travel you plan to do and the places you plan to visit. This is the not the area to scrimp and save, on either money or size. While there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for first aid kits, there are several common types which are a good base from which to start. The more you travel and more experiences you rack up, you’ll find yourself able to identify additional accessories which will make your first aid kit even more useful.

Snake bite kits

Australia is home to many of the world’s deadliest and most venomous snakes. With large swathes of the country far removed from medical facilities, travellers need the ability to treat their own snake bites, if required. You'll need some specialist equipment to do this properly (and that equipment can often be used for other bites and stings as well). A small/compact snake bite kit may include a compression bandage, essential for wrapping the bitten limb, a sling which can be used for immobilisation, and a dressing for covering the wound. Larger, more extensive kits may have more compression bandages, a flexible splint, a snake ID booklet, and an ice-pack. Most of these items would not be included in a ‘regular’ first aid kit.

Patch and go kits
These waterproof kits are specifically designed for outdoor use and are ideal for your backpack or tackle box. They contain everything you’ll need for immediate wound dressing, including items for minor aches and pains, blisters, cuts and abrasions.

Vehicle kits

Vehicle kits are usually larger kits with more features and designed to be carried within your vehicle or caravan (rather than on your person or in a bag). They are heavier duty than a regular first aid kit and usually contain the equipment you’ll need to treat more serious injuries often associated with vehicle accidents, such as major trauma, burns, broken bones or heavy bleeding. Any first aid kit carried in your vehicle should be easily accessible (ie, within arms’ reach) in case of a serious emergency.

Remote area kits

These are similar to a large vehicle medical kit but also contain more equipment to help deliver prolonged medical care.

Additional equipment
Different people need different things for different adventures, and the same goes for your first aid kits. These are some extra items you might consider carrying:

  • Personal medication

  • Personal locator beacon (PLB) or EPIRB

  • Torch

  • Electrolytes

  • Survival blanket or bivy sack

  • Water filter or purification tablets



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