Hema Alpha Program - Collect Data for Hema

The program is designed to complement the in-house Map Patrol team who are constantly on the road collecting data directly for Hema.
The data that users collect will appear in future updates to Hema map products, apps and devices.
Which states, remote regions, and/or areas is Hema most interested in users collecting data in?
In all states throughout Australia. More specifically, Hema has identified roads/tracks and areas of focus throughout each state which require specific updating. The areas of focus may also contain potential brand new road/track data that can be collected.
What type of road/track data should the users be focused on collecting?
Primarily focused on collecting unsealed:
- Tracks
- Local roads
- Sub-arterial roads
- Arterial roads
Is Hema interested in users collecting sealed roads?
No, the focus of the program is for unsealed tracks, local, sub-arterial and arterial roads. In the vast majority of cases if sealed roads are collected they will be discarded, particularly for arterial roads, highways and freeways.
Is Hema primarily looking for new data more so than updating existing data?
Hema is always interested in collecting new road/track and POI data; however, updating existing road/track and POI data is equally important as obtaining brand new data.
What type of vehicle is suitable?
A suitably built and maintained 4WD vehicle which is capable of tackling (rocky, muddy, sandy, black soil and/or technical driving) which will vary from Easy to Very Difficult classed tracks. Reference to the appendix for the suggested vehicle suitability per track class in the Track Classification chart.
Is it suitable for users to be towing a caravan or camper trailer?
Whilst it is possible for users to be towing an off road camper trailer; for the type of terrain the users will most likely encounter a caravan is not recommended to be in tow.
Why is there a requirement for a two person team?
From a safety perspective, a dedicated driver and a dedicated data collector (passenger) is preferred. From a data collection perspective, having a dedicated data collector (passenger) ensures a safer and more efficient data collection.
What type of 4WD/driving experience should the driver have?
Ideally, experienced in 4WDriving on various terrain types (rocky, muddy, sandy, black soil and/or a combination of the above) and over various track classes from Easy to Very Difficult rated tracks.
What type of 4WD certifications should the driver possess?
Whilst not essential, it is looked favourably upon if users have 4WD training certifications, whether that be base to advanced 4WD training
What level of technical aptitude should users have?
Moderate to high level aptitude for using mobile devices and apps, ideally an ability to use both iOS and Android operating systems.
What specific type of experience should the data collector have?
As a minimum, moderate level of data collection experience (i.e. logging GPX and waypoints) through GPS devices, such as HX-1 or similar. It is highly favoured, if the data collector has experience using 3rd party mobile data collection apps such as ArcGIS Field Maps/Collector (or similar). Experience running 4WD tours, 4WD club/association trips, and off-road events will be looked upon favourably. Highly favourable, is if the data collector has completed track classification
What equipment will be supplied by Hema?
The data collection software & hardware will be supplied by Hema. The software is ArcGIS Field Maps and the hardware consists of an Android tablet, ram mounts and accessories (packaged in a hard case). Vehicle(s) will not be supplied; therefore users will have to supply their own suitable 4WD vehicle.
How much space will the hardware consume inside the vehicle?
The ram mount and cradle for the tablet are mounted from the windscreen, avoiding any airbags and also avoiding obstructing the field of view through the windscreen. The room this takes up shouldn’t be anymore than what a standalone GPS device in a cradle would take up.
How much work is involved with the data collection process in the field?
Data collection requires focus from the data collector in the field using the software and hardware provided. The data collector needs to ensure that the data collected is correct in both geometry (shape) and in the information (attributes) embedded in that road or track and POI data.
How many hours in a day is data collection expected to be covered?
This is entirely up to the users themselves and their trip schedule and goals. Data collection could be 15 minutes up to several hours per day. Hema encourages users to safely manage their fatigue on the road during times of data collection.
What data quality is Hema expecting from users?
Users will collect data with a high degree of data quality in mind - in line with Hema Maps data quality standards (accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity and uniqueness) and road/track classification definitions. See appendix for more information.
What are the OHS (occupational, health and safety) and liabilities implications for the users themselves?
Users safety and those of third parties is the sole responsibility of each individual user this includes, but is not limited to, the legal usage of software/hardware in a motor vehicle and the driving of a motor vehicle on & off road. Users will be solely responsible for covering themselves for all applicable insurances. Users are responsible for covering their own vehicle maintenance costs. These stipulations are outlined in more detail in the Alpha User Agreement form.
Will all data collected by Alpha Users be used by Hema?
No. User data will be considered integrated, or it will be discarded by the mapping team during processing.
What is integrated data?
Integrated data is considered data which is either:
- Brand new
- Data which is within 5m buffer from existing data and updates current data
- Data which has been visually checked and manually selected to subsequently update nearby existing data.
What is discarded data?
Discarded data is considered unusable data which is either:
- Data that is not within a 5m buffer from existing data and can’t be used to update that data
- Data which does not represent visually what is present in satellite imagery and has been manually discarded
Discarded data will not be incentivised for
What can users do to maximise the amount of integrated km collected?
The data collector should ideally ensure that the GPS accuracy is within accuracy limits (< 5m) and that the resulting data does not contain a large amount of geometry errors (i.e. loop backs, double ups) and inaccuracies in the information (attributes) embedded in the road/track data.
What is the minimum required km collected/calendar year?
The minimum required km per calendar year is 500 km.
How many trips or how regular are users expected to collect data?
As long as the minimum amount of integrated km’s are collected throughout the year; the regularity of data collection is entirely up to the users. Some users may collect larger amounts of data only 1-2 times per year over 3-6 month trips, i.e. throughout the Top End or Central Australia in the Dry Season. But more regular shorter trips, such as on weekend and/or holiday trips throughout the year, may be an approach for other users who aren’t able to do longer time framed trips.
What is the incentive scheme?
The incentive scheme rewards users for data which has ultimately been integrated into the main Hema database. This integrated data will be incentivised at a set rate $/km ($0.98/km). The incentives only apply to road/track data; POI’s are not currently being incentivised for.
Do users require an ABN?
Yes, users must possess an active ABN. The ABN may be non-registered or registered for GST purposes.
What do I need to do to apply for the program?
Potential participants will be selected based on a number of prerequisite requirements which can be found in the Alpha User questionnaire.
How many places are available in the program?
The program currently has a capped number of places available. Where places are available and the applicant(s) meet the prerequisite requirements, the mapping team will review the questionnaire results and contact applicant(s) for further discussion.
If you believe your two person pair may fit well with the program you are encouraged to proceed and complete and submit the questionnaire.
Due to high numbers of applicants, only suitable candidates will be contacted by Hema after completing the questionnaire.