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Fraser Island

Fraser Island, the traditional home of the Butchulla people, leans out from the Southern Coast of Queensland and sweeps north towards the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest island off Australia's east coast and the largest sand island in the world.

The magical paradise with its crystal-clear lakes, spectacular coloured sands, immense sandblows, lush rainforests, giant trees and abundant wildlife is a miracle of nature - everything here grows on sand. In recognition of its outstanding natural values, it is inscribed on the World Heritage List, one of less than 400 areas worldwide.

This place of exceptional beauty is tailor-made for an activity based visit. Few areas in Australia are more rewarding when it comes to bushwalking, fishing, boating, four-wheel driving, whale-watching, bird-watching or photography.
Whether you're camping, renting a holiday house or staying at one of the luxurious resorts, Fraser Island will delight. There are so many things to see and do on Fraser Island that it’s hard to narrow them down to a list of “must see” or “must do”. Fortunately the choice is such that everyone will find things to enjoy. Few national parks in Australia receive so many return visitors, which is testimony to the Island’s magic.

Fraser Island’s subtropical climate is pretty good year-round but rainfall peaks in the beginning of autumn (March to May). The busiest times are public holidays and Queensland school holidays: especially the two weeks around Christmas, the Easter period and the September school holidays.

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