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Top five beach camping tips

Improve your beach camping game with these top five tips for an awesome trip

One: Know the rules

There are many places in Australia where camping directly on the sand is not allowed. To avoid the heartbreak of setting up a perfect campsite, only to be told by the ranger that you have to move, make sure you know the rules before you leave home. The easiest way to check is to do an internet search of your destination, and read up on the restrictions ahead of time. Alternatively, most rangers can be contacted by phone, so you can always do it old school and call ahead to ask.


Two: Check the weather

Even if the winds aren't high inland, camping on or near the beach can leave you exposed to lower temperatures and higher winds than you might otherwise expect. Check the weather before you head out, and remember that high winds + a beach full of sand = serious exfoliation and gritty sandwiches.


Three: Pack extra windbreaks

Remembering that you may be exposed to high winds, remember to include extra windbreaks in your gear. This can mean a tarp to create an extra wall for your cooking area, remembering to put in the windscreen for your cooker or even a beach shelter for sitting around and reading without getting a face full of sand.


Four: Bring your sand gear

You will need to put a set of sand tent pegs (usually made of brightly coloured chunky plastic) into the car, to ensure your guy ropes and ground sheets stay firmly in place. On this, you may wish to consider bringing a ground sheet and even a small piece of carpet or doormat to help you de-sand your feet before you step into your camper, caravan or tent.


Five: Don't forget to have fun

You're heading to the beach, so don't forget to bring your favourite beach acvities. Whether it's a sand chair, a good book and a large sunhat, the boogie board, a beach cricket set or all of the above, as all the practical considerations of getting ready for a camping trip at the beach are swirling around in your head, don't forget to pack the fun. That's why you're heading for the sun, sea and sand, after all.



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