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Outback Travel; The Little Things

Basic comforts can mean the world of difference and those flies, they can drive you crazy.

When you’re in the outback, the last thing you want is to be uncomfortable. Camper trailers offer plenty of extra comfort, but a few handy tricks when you’re packing will go a long way once you get there. 

Prepare for your outback travels


This might sound obvious, but things like sunscreen make a big difference. One full day’s drive in the outback will burn you to a crisp if you’re unprepared, so lathering up each morning really helps. Lip balm stops your lips from burning in high winds, and bring your sunnies as the glare gets pretty intense.

Mozzies and Midges near the Outback waterholes


Mozzies are annoying and there are plenty out there, especially around water, so keep some repellent handy. If you’re doing a spot of fishing, the repellent can repel fish if it gets on the line, so take care when placing your bait. Also pack mozzie coils and citronella candles as they’re less stinky in the long run. And remember, light attracts midges. So keep the lights in your camper trailer off, and camp away from the main campsite light.

Nets are another option. Head nets help keep bugs off your face but the net itself is often more annoying than the bloody bugs! Another option is to string a portable mozzie net or shade cloth around your bed or chair. If you’re unlucky enough hit a locust plague, stretch the shade cloth over your bulbar as you drive to stop them from damaging your radiator. 

Beat the flies out in the Outback with Rosemary and Cedarwood cream!


Flies are just plain annoying. I remember years ago, out near Alice Springs, NT, the flies were that bad you’d inhale one every couple of breaths, but one fella wasn’t getting pestered anywhere near as much as everybody else. His secret? Rosemary and Cedarwood cream! It’s about $20 a tub, but lasts a long time and actually works. It’s harder to find than standard insect repellents, but worth searching for. In fact, it’s used to keep flies off horses as well, so some stock producers keep it handy, too.


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