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A guide to preventing and treating insect bites and stings

Words Nicole Tyquin, Robert Crack and Julija Zivanovic Pics Supplied

Australia is as beautiful as it is dangerous, and something as simple as a bee sting can really affect your holiday if you don’t know how to react. Keep reading to discover how you can avoid, prevent and gain relief from insect stings and bites.

Mosquitos carry many deadly diseases(Credit: Getty Images)

For anyone exploring the vast wilderness that is the Aussie outback, an expectation of being accosted by all sorts of flying and walking bugs is normal. In fact, it’s one of the things Australia is known for, especially in the warmer months.

But you don’t have to let creepy crawlies get in the way of your next camping adventure. Join us as we give you a few different ways to keep those insects at bay and handle any unwanted encounters like a pro.

Prevention is better than cure

  • We suggest picking an effective, APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority) approved repellent: Look for insect repellents with ingredients proven to work, such as Diethyltoluamide (DEET), picaridin or OLE (oil of lemon eucalypt) whose active ingredient PMD (p-Menthane-3, 8-diol) comes from the leaves of Corymbia citriodora which repels mosquitoes, flies, ticks and sand flies. Ensure you keep some repellent permanently in your camping gear so that you don’t forget to pack it next trip. Natural alternatives such as sandalwood (burnt by Aboriginal people for millennia to effectively deter mosquitoes), citronella or eucalyptus oil can be effective too, though their effect might not last as long. Another great natural alternative, especially for those with sensitive skin or for young kids or babies, is Good Riddance’s range of mosquito and insect repellents. These products are DEET-free and Aussie made, with the family-run business developing them in Darwin and testing them in Kakadu to ensure they work effectively in a tropical environment.

A range of insect repellents

  • Protective clothing: Appropriate protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and enclosed shoes will shield you from the sun but also create a barrier against bugs. The key is to keep exposed skin to a minimum. Light-coloured clothing such as yellow, green, light blue or white can also help as a deterrent since — when they are combined with your body heat and the carbon dioxide you exhale — dark colours such as black, dark orange, red or navy blue tend to attract mosquitoes and other biting pests like biting midges, sand flies and March flies. If you plan to visit habitats renowned for mosquitoes, it’s a good idea to invest in light-coloured, permethrin-treated clothing.

  • Choose your campsite wisely: Avoid setting up near still water as that is often a breeding ground for mosquitoes. If possible, aim for open, breezy areas … bugs don’t like wind! If you’ve got a choice between a campsite adjacent to a stagnant water billabong or a flowing creek or river, definitely pick the latter.

  • Ensure that your first aid kit is stocked with pain relief medication: Antiseptic cream, antihistamine cream, over-the-counter oral antihistamines, calamine lotion and Stingose should all be in your kit so you can treat the affected area.

  • Remove potential mozzie breeding sites around your 4WD, caravan, camper trailer or campsite: By draining ‘open-necked’ containers that hold water and covering them you can prevent mosquitos multiplying. Unfortunately, it’s not really practicable to drain every puddle near your campsite, however if you are camping near puddles, watercourses, wetlands, waterholes, farm or forest dams or long grass, what you can do is cover your sleeping area with a mosquito net and/or ensure that any opening in your sleeping setup has the physical barrier of insect screens/mosquito-proof mesh. Light some mosquito coils and/or citronella candles around your campsite before last light.

Mosquito-borne diseases can be deadly

Sign in Australia saying 'Biting insects, cover up'(Credit: Robert Crack)

Thankfully, here in Australia we don’t need to worry about endemic malaria. That said, despite Australia being declared malaria free by the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 40 years ago, we still have Anopheles mosquitoes in the tropics, so if one of the malaria-carrying parasites were to hitch a ride with a person on an international flight into Darwin, for example, there is a risk of malaria gaining a foothold in the Top End if the infected person were to infect local Anopheles mozzies.

Thankfully, too, the invasive Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) hasn’t made it to the Australian mainland. This is just as well, as it is notorious for spreading zika virus and dengue fever.

The mosquito we should be fearful of is Aedes aegypti. Found in central and northern Queensland, this nasty pest spreads zika, dengue and yellow fever. Dengue is characterised by high fever, rashes, excruciating joint and muscle pain and searing headaches around and behind the eyes. Favoured larval habitats of Aedes aegypti include discarded tyres, buckets, rain gutters, tin cans, drums, septic tanks, dogs’ water bowls and rainwater tanks, and warmer temperatures of around 29 degrees Celsius are its sweet spot. Caution should be taken in environments which combine any of these elements.

There have previously been reports of some locally acquired Japanese encephalitis virus in Australia, which can be spread by Culex annulirostris (common banded mosquito) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus, the latter having been detected within the past five years in the Top End and in northern Western Australia. Japanese encephalitis cases haven’t been restricted only to the NT and WA though. Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia have also had confirmed cases. There have been some fatalities, so this is not a virus you want to catch.

Despite being rare, Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) can occur anywhere in Australia (despite its name), however the potential risk is highest in the Darwin, Litchfield, Kakadu Arnhem, Katherine Daly and Barkly regions, as well as northwest Western Australia. With no treatment and no vaccine, the only way to protect against MVE is to not get bitten by mozzies, especially around wetlands and river systems.

Just when you thought we were done with insect-borne viruses, up pops Ross River virus (RRV) which can be carried by dozens of mosquito species (including the common banded mosquito). Not everyone infected with Ross River virus will be symptomatic, especially young children. In general, the older the infected person, the more severe the symptoms can be.

This potentially debilitating illness (for which there is no vaccine nor antiviral treatment) brings with it fever, rash, swollen and painful joints and tendons, pain behind the eyes and debilitating fatigue, sometimes for several months after infection in some people. According to Queensland Health in April 2024, the 2023/24 summer season in Queensland saw more mosquito traps test positive to RRV than in any other season since surveillance began in 2016, and more than 2000 cases of RRV detected in people, being the highest since the 2019/20 season (more than 3300 cases).

To make a long story short, when it comes to mosquito-borne illnesses, the only way to prevent them is to not get bitten in the first place.

Help! I’ve just been stung or bitten!

A bee sitting on a person's finger

  • Bee and wasp stings: Bees typically leave behind their stinger, so if you get stung, carefully remove the stinger with tweezers (avoid squeezing the sting as that can release more venom). Clean the area with soap and water, apply ice or a cold compress to reduce swelling and take an antihistamine if necessary.

  • Ant bites and stings: Australia is home to some aggressive ants! The genus Myrmecia (aka ‘bull ants’, ‘jack jumper ants’ or ‘bulldog ants’) includes more than 90 species of stinging ants — ouch! Yes, they latch on with their curved mandibles however it’s the sting at the end of their abdomen that causes the pain. If you’re unlucky enough to step on a nest, move away immediately and brush them off. Cool compression and an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can help to relieve itching and pain.

  • Mosquito bites: For these relentless pests, soothing the itch is essential to avoid scratching — which can lead to skin infection. Dab on calamine lotion, tea tree oil or an ice pack and, if you have it, apply a bit of antihistamine cream.

  • March fly bites: You can’t mistake the painful bite of an adult female March fly (aka horse fly)! Thankfully, they are slow movers so it’s not too taxing a task to swat them … and end their measly three-to-four-week life. Try not to scratch the bite area as this can cause infection — instead, apply an ice pack to it and some topical antihistamine cream.

  • Biting midges: These are often referred to as sand flies, but it’s worth noting that not every sand fly is a midge (head here if you’d like to learn more). Biting midges are very small, blood-feeding flies which often attack humans in large squadrons. They are tiny, making them one of the most difficult groups of insects to detect until it’s too late. Once the bite sites have become painful, the irritating skin reaction has already set in. These sores or welts can hang around for up to two weeks, which is a lot longer than mozzie bite irritation.

Some natural remedies …

If you find yourself many kilometres from the nearest pharmacy, your pack (or even the campsite) might hold surprising remedies for a painful sting or bite:

  • Aloe vera gel: Whether store bought or from the plant itself, aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties that soothe stings and bites.

  • Baking soda paste: Combine baking soda with a bit of water to create a paste and apply it to itchy bites. It neutralises some venoms and reduces itching.

  • Tea bags: Wet a used tea bag and press it onto the site of the sting. The tannins in tea help ease swelling and irritation, great for mosquito bites and other minor stings.

Advice for severe reactions

In rare cases, insect bites and stings can trigger a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis which requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and/or a rapid pulse. Always carry an epinephrine injector (EpiPen) if you know you have severe allergies, and make sure someone in your group knows how to use it.

If you or someone in your travelling party has an insect allergy, ensure you have the correct medicine/s with you before setting off. We can’t stress enough how difficult it can be to get urgent medical help in the middle of the outback. Don’t become a statistic.

Feral bees inhabit sections of this park sign

Embrace the bugs 

Here at Hema Maps, we believe bugs are just a small price to pay for experiencing the beauty of Australia’s wild landscapes. While we may never be able to escape them completely, a few precautions can make all the difference. Plus, as every true explorer knows, a bit of discomfort only makes the reward of adventure that much sweeter.

So, next time you’re headed out bush, pack smart, arm yourself with some good-quality repellent and take comfort knowing that if you do get bitten or stung, you’re prepared to handle it. And if you’re unfortunate enough to have been bitten by a mozzie carrying dengue, JE, MVE, RRV or BFV — be ready with the knowledge and steps to ensure your survival before expert medical care can arrive. If signs of infection present themselves, ensure you act immediately.

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