1 September 2022
Based on customer feedback, the Hema-X development team and our mapping team have been hard at work continuing to make enhancements to the maps and functionality of the HX-2 unit.
Today will see the third major update of the maps since the HX-2 was launched. Outlined below is a detailed description of the changes you will see in release 1.3.1, the most significant changes include:
- Over 15,000km of new and updated tracks processed by the Map Patrol & mapping team
- New subscription: ability to buy the Rooftop & Meridian Map Packs via subscription which can be used on both the HX-2 GPS and 4x4 Explorer App (through the one subscription)
- The new editions of our Great Desert Tracks Map Series (eight maps) via the Adventure Maps section
- A significant number of functionality improvements to make the HX-2 easier to use
As special thank you to those involved in the Hema Alpha Program who make a huge contribution to ensuring we have the best maps in Australia; Peta & Andrew Murray, Flynn Drage, Lyndon Kettle, Andrew & Renee Derry, Ben & Hayley Carceller, Kev Smith & Sally Turner, Dayv Carter, Jordan Hill, Wayne Hopkins and Ray Andrews. If you would like to find out more information about joining our Alpha Program please contact info@emprisegroup.com.au.
Summary of feature changes:
Map Data Updates and Visual Improvements - Offroad Vector Map
- Approximately 15,000km of roads and tracks updated in rural and regional Australia including latest HERE road data in city and urban areas for NT & QLD.
- The Hema Map Patrol’s recent fieldwork on Fraser Island has generated significant track and POI updates to this popular destination.
- Alpha track updates throughout Australia with significant updates in Queensland.
- Improved representation of 3d building, showing building footprint earlier (refer to Image 1 below)
- Changes to improve the representation of coastline areas (refer to Image 2 below)
- Fixed road category symbolisation in higher zoom level for consistency (refer to Image 3 below)
- Improved/updated airfield data and labeling of airfields symbols (rotated and snapped to runways)
- Fixed missing road sections in higher zoom level for consistency
- Updated localities
- Updated national parks
- Updated marine parks
- Updated aborginal areas
- Updated marine infrastructure (lighthouses)
- Updated mine area
- Updated grid/gates and fords
- Many other minor fixes
Subscriptions - Rooftop Maps & Meridian Maps
There are now Rooftop Maps and Meridian Maps subscription offers available. These can be purchased via Hema Maps Cloud under My Account/ My Subscriptions. It is also available through the app stores (Apple and Google Play) for 4x4 Explorer App use. The combination of these two subscriptions extends the comprehensive coverage of maps in Victoria/Southern NSW through Rooftop and Meridian’s detailed and independent mapping styles.
The Rooftop annual subscription is priced at $99.99 (inc GST) per annum and Meridian Maps subscription is priced at $49.99 (inc GST) per annum. Both subscriptions can be used across both the HX-2 GPS and Hema’s 4x4 Explorer App.
Development Updates
Here on-road navigation - The HX-2 is currently running on the HERE Premium SDK (3.x). This is being superseded by the new 4.x SDK. Initial testing has shown that it is not yet ready to be implemented into the HX-2. We are working closely with HERE to get this update as quickly as possible as it does offer some significant improvements particularly in the routing engine.
Hema Cloud (https://cloud.hemamaps.com/) - We are continuing to roll out improvements to the Cloud to make planning your trips and tracks as seamless as possible. In recent weeks, we have made some significant enhancements in this space and are continuing to work on the track ‘plotting’ function in particular.
Reversing Camera - The Development team have made a key change to how the reversing camera operates within the HX-2. It has now been removed from the operating system and installed as an ‘app’ within the HemaX digital environment. This has made the load up speed quicker and improves the interaction between the reversing camera and the navigation functions. This also allows us to directly build enhancements into this application. In October, we will also be releasing a ‘Heavy Duty’ reverse camera with increased range to offer a solution for those who would like to use their reversing camera on a caravan or camper trailer.
Images showing before and after changes to the Offroad Vector Map:
Image 1 - Before - After: the building footprint layer is shown earlier and more visible.

Image 2 - Before - After: Tidied coastline

Image 3 - Before - After: Fixed road category symbolisation

Hi Hema,
I notice you are updating the reversing camera in October. I hope it has better optics and inferred as at the moment I find it just about useless with the HX2. I had the HN7 for years were you would supply your own camera and it had inferred capacity which was brilliant.
Kind Regards,